Archived Event

Lisa Peacock Presents Thursday Lunchtime Showcases
Chloë Hanslip violin; Igor Tchetuev piano
Thu 25 Sep 2014, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Chloë Hanslipviolin
  • Igor Tchetuevpiano




British violinist Chloë Hanslip has established herself as an artist of distinction on the international stage. She made her Proms debut in 2002 and her US concerto debut in 2003. Igor Tchetuev was the winner of the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Competition in 1998 and his career takes him to all the major concert halls around the world.

Chloe and Igor have recorded Medtner’s Violin Sonatas Nos. 1 and 3 for Hyperion and Julian Haylock wrote in Sinfini:

‘The magical final section of the opening movement… is impossible to imagine it better played.’

Lisa Peacock Concert Management Limited

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