Archived Event

Beethoven, Comeau and Vaughan Williams
Britten Sinfonia
Wed 04 Feb 2015, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Britten Sinfonia


    1. Co-commissioned by Britten Sinfonia with support from donors to the Musically Gifted campaign, and by Wigmore Hall with the support of André Hoffmann, president of the Fondation Hoffmann, a Swiss grant-making foundation


    Vaughan Williams’s Phantasy for string quintet, was dedicated to William Wilson Cobbett, whose celebrated competition encouraged young composers to write new chamber works.

    Winner of Britten Sinfonia’s Cambridge University Composers’ Workshop, Ben Comeau’s work receives its première in this concert, alongside Beethoven’s transitional tumultuous String Quintet of 1801, popularly known as ‘The Storm’.

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