Archived Event

Come All Ye Songsters: Purcell
Carolyn Sampson soprano; Elizabeth Kenny lute; Jonathan Manson bass viol; Laurence Cummings harpsichord
Tue 17 Mar 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Carolyn Sampsonsoprano
  • Elizabeth Kennylute
  • Jonathan Mansonbass viol
  • Laurence Cummingsharpsichord


  • Henry Purcell
      • The Fairy Queen Z629
      • Come all ye songsters of the sky
      • Sing while we trip it on the green
      • Ye gentle spirits of the air appear
      • Harpsichord Suite No. 5 in C major (with Jig) Z666
      • Timon of Athens Z632
      • The cares of lovers
      • Fly swift, ye hours Z369
      • Not all my torments can your pity move Z400
  • Henry Purcell
      • The Comical History of Don Quixote Z578
      • From rosy bow'rs
      • Let the dreadful engines


  • Henry Purcell
      • The Fairy Queen Z629
      • If Love's a sweet passion
  • Henry Purcell
      • Aureng-Zebe, or The Great Mogul Z573
      • I see she flies me
      • What a sad fate is mine Z428A
      • Pious Celinda goes to prayers Z410
  • Henry Purcell
      • Hail, bright Cecilia Z328
      • 'Tis Nature's Voice; thro' all the moving Wood
      • Abdelazar, or The Moor’s Revenge Z570
      • Lucinda is bewitching fair
      • The Fairy Queen Z629
      • Hark! the echoing air


  • Henry Purcell
      • The Indian Queen Z630
      • I attempt from Love's sickness to fly
      • King Arthur Z628
      • Fairest Isle


Henry Purcell and John Blow refined the repertoire of ‘songs sung at court and at the public theatres’ in the years following Charles II’s return to the throne in 1660. Purcell went further than any of his contemporaries in terms of the eloquence, invention and expressive impact of his contributions to the great Restoration songbook.

Wigmore Hall favourite Carolyn Sampson and a trio of period-instrument experts present their choice of Purcell songs and arias.

Supported by donors to Voices at Wigmore: champions of vocal music in all its forms throughout the 2014/15 Season

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