Archived Event

Lanzetti, Vivaldi, Scarlatti and more
Andreas Scholl countertenor; Avi Avital mandolin; Marco Frezzato cello; Tiziano Bagnati lute; Tamar Halperin piano
Tue 07 Apr 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Andreas Schollcountertenor
  • Avi Avitalmandolin
  • Marco Frezzatocello
  • Tiziano Bagnatilute
  • Tamar Halperinpiano


      • L'occasion delle mei pene
      • La biondino
      • La farfalle
      • Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo
      • Cantata: Vaghe luci



Andreas Scholl has inspired countless new listeners to fall in love with lesser-known works.

His artistry reveals the timeless qualities of great music from the distant past, restoring the rhetorical power and emotional impact of pieces conceived for star performers of eighteenth-century Europe.

Scholl’s latest Wigmore Hall programme explores the vitality of Italian cantatas by three masters of the genre and frames their work with the seductive songs of Venetian gondoliers.

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