Archived Event

Strauss, Korngold, Eisler and Weill
Christianne Stotijn mezzo-soprano; Julius Drake piano
Mon 11 May 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Christianne Stotijnmezzo-soprano
  • Julius Drakepiano


      • Ständchen Op. 17 No. 2
      • Traum durch die Dämmerung Op. 29 No. 1
      • Ruhe, meine Seele Op. 27 No. 1
      • In goldener Fülle Op. 49 No. 2
      • Schlechtes Wetter Op. 69 No. 5
      • Nachtgang Op. 29 No. 3
      • Freundliche Vision Op. 48 No. 1
      • Acht Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blätter' Op. 10
      • Zueignung No. 1


  • Hanns Eisler
      • Hollywood Songbook
      • Erinnerung an Eichendorff und Schumann
      • Über den Selbstmord
      • An den kleinen Radioapparat
      • Hotelzimmer 1942
      • Fünf Elegien IV
      • Vom Sprengen des Gartens
      • Der Kirschdieb
  • Kurt Weill
      • Walt Whitman Songs
      • O captain! My captain!
      • Beat! Beat! Drums!
      • Dirge for two veterans
      • Come up from the fields, father



Nazi oppression in Austria and Germany forced Erich Korngold, Hanns Eisler and Kurt Weill into overseas exile in the 1930s and delivered them to work for Hollywood’s soundstages.

Christianne Stotijn and Julius Drake evoke the musical energy generated by these three émigré composers, from the austere beauty of Korngold’s Four Shakespeare Songs to the powerful imagery of Weill’s Walt Whitman settings.

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