Archived Event

Schumann, Brahms, López Buchardo, Guastavino and Ginastera
Bernarda Fink mezzo-soprano; Anthony Spiri piano
Fri 22 May 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Bernarda Finkmezzo-soprano
  • Anthony Spiripiano


      • Sieben Lieder Op. 95
      • No. 6 Mädchenlied
      • Sechs Lieder Op. 85
      • Mädchenlied No. 3
      • Fünf Lieder Op. 49
      • Am Sonntag Morgen No. 1
      • Fünf Lieder Op. 107
      • No. 5 Mädchenlied
      • Fünf Gesänge Op. 72
      • Verzagen No. 4
      • Vier Gesänge Op. 43
      • Von ewiger Liebe No. 1


      • La rosa y el sauce
      • El sampedrino (Canción pampeana)
      • Encantamiento
      • Pampamapa
      • La flor de aguapé



Few artists today can hold an audience more spellbound than Bernarda Fink. The Buenos Aires-born mezzo’s personal warmth and openness nourish interpretations that convey the emotional life force of the songs in her extensive repertoire.

She begins this recital with a survey of Schumann’s later songs before turning to music by three great Argentine composers.

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