Archived Event

O Dolce Mio Tesoro
Collegium Vocale Gent; Philippe Herreweghe director
Tue 02 Jun 2015, 7.30pm
Change from previously advertised.
Please note that this concert will be approximately 1 hour 20 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Collegium Vocale Gent
    • Philippe Herreweghedirector


    • Carlo Gesualdo
        • Madrigali libro sesto
        • Mille volte il di
        • O Dolce mio tesoro
        • Deh, come un invan sospiro
        • Io pur respiro in così gran dolore
        • Ardita Zanzaretta
        • Ardo per te, mio bene
        • Ancide sol la morte
    • Carlo Gesualdo
        • Madrigali libro sesto
        • Quel 'no' crudel que la mia speme ancise
        • Moro, lasso, al mio duolo
        • Tu segui, o bella Clori
        • Ancor che per amarti
        • Già piansi nel dolore
        • Quando ridente e bella


    • Carlo Gesualdo
        • Madrigali libro sesto
        • Moro, lasso, al mio duolo


    Philippe Herreweghe and his Collegium Vocale Gent became pioneers of the Early Music Movement in the 1970s and remain leaders in the interpretation of works written long before the Industrial Revolution.

    In this concert they explore the extreme emotions and chromatic twists and turns of the mature madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo, the Italian nobleman who turned to composition soon after he took part in the murder of his wife and her lover.

    We are grateful to Dunard Fund for their generosity to the Hall and for supporting this concert.

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