Archived Event

Matthias Goerne baritone; Menahem Pressler piano
Thu 02 Jul 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 15 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Matthias Goernebaritone
  • Menahem Presslerpiano


      • Sechs Gesänge Op. 89
      • Es stürmet am Abendhimmel No. 1
      • Heimliches Verschwinden No. 2
      • Herbstlied No. 3
      • Abschied vom Walde No. 4
      • Ins Freie No. 5
      • 6 Gedichte von N Lenau und Requiem Op. 90
      • Meine Rose No. 2
      • Kommen und Scheiden No. 3
      • Die Sennin No. 4
      • Einsamkeit No. 5
      • Der schwere Abend No. 6
      • Geistervariationen WoO. 24



In constant demand at the world’s leading concert halls and opera houses, Matthias Goerne made headline news in March 2014 when he stepped into the title-role of Berg’s Wozzeck at the Metropolitan Opera at short notice, and went on to receive rave reviews for his account of Schubert’s Winterreise at last summer’s Aix-en-Provence Festival.

The German baritone’s ability to express emotional states and conjure up tone colours that bring poetic texts to life are among the rare gifts in his artistic locker, comparable to those of the greatest Lieder singers of all time.

We also look forward to a welcome return from legendary pianist Menahem Pressler, described by The New York Times as ‘a poet, time and again revealing unexpected depths in works that have been endlessly plumbed and surveyed’.

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