Archived Event

Florian Boesch baritone; Malcolm Martineau piano
Thu 24 Sep 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Florian Boeschbaritone
  • Malcolm Martineaupiano


      • Quell'innocente figlio D17/1
      • Pensa, che questo istante D76
      • Amphiaraos D166
      • Gebet während der Schlacht D171
      • Das war ich D174a
      • Liebeständelei D206
      • Die drei Sänger D329
      • Lebensmelodien D395
      • Das Heimweh D456
      • Der Wanderer D489


      • Der Wanderer D649
      • Die Vögel D691
      • Der Schiffer D694
      • Im Walde D708
      • Widerspruch D865
      • Drei Gesänge D902
      • L'incanto degli occhi No. 1
      • Il traditor deluso No. 2
      • Il modo di prender moglie No. 3
      • Vier Refrainlieder D866
      • Bei dir allein No. 2
      • Irdisches Glück No. 4



As part of his education at Vienna’s Stadtkonvikt,young Schubert received lessons from AntonioSalieri. The veteran court composer directed hispupil to study Italian opera, an instruction that ledSchubert to set Pietro Metastasio’s ‘Quell’innocentefiglio’.

Florian Boesch and Malcolm Martineau tracethe lyrical lines that connect Schubert’s early workto his mature Italian songs of 1827 and the comicLieder ‘Bei dir allein!’ and ‘Irdisches Glück’ of 1828.

Voices at Wigmore
Supporting Schubert: The Complete Songs 2015/16 and 2016/17

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