Archived Event

Swiss Ambassador's Award Concert 2015
Viviane Chassot accordion; David Pia cello
Thu 22 Oct 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 40 minutes in duration, including an interval


  • Viviane Chassotaccordion
  • David Piacello



The Swiss Ambassador’s Award Concert was established in 1998 with the aim of presenting some of the most talented young Swiss musicians in the UK.

Exciting new duo Viviane Chassot and David Pia are the winners of this year’s Award. Their unusual combination of instruments represents a new venture for this concert series. The prize-winning pair, who both graduated in Switzerland, currently work with eminent conductors and are frequent guests at international festivals.

An exclusive programme has been put together for this tour, including the world première of several pieces written for the duo by Swiss composer Helena Winkelman.

Swiss Cultural Fund UK

Supported by JTI

Supported by Presence Switzerland

Supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia