Archived Event

Musical Europe: 1550 – 1650
Hespèrion XXI; Jordi Savall director, treble viol
Sun 13 Dec 2015, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Hespèrion XXI
    • Jordi Savalldirector, treble viol


        • Pavana del Re
        • Galliarda la Traditora
        • El Todescho
        • Saltarello
    • John Dowland
        • Lachrimae Pavan
        • The King of Denmark, his Galliard
        • Canario
        • Pavane de la petite Guerre & Gaillarde
        • Philidor
        • Sarabanda a l’italien
        • Philidor
        • Courante de la Reine d’Angleterre
        • Philidor
        • Bourrée d’Avignonez
        • Philidor
        • Paduan V
        • Courant Dolorosa IX
        • Allemande XIV
        • Galliard Battaglia XXI



    For all the difficulties of travel four centuries ago, fresh ideas flowed freelybetween major European centres of trade and commerce.

    Jordi Savall andHespèrion XXI have probably done more than any other ensemble to showthe correspondences and cross-fertilisation that occurred when musiciansabsorbed new fashions from abroad and exported their knowledge to otherlands.

    Their programme shows how simple dance forms were transformedinto works of irresistible elegance for the ears of Renaissance Europe’spowerbrokers and leaders.

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