Archived Event

Benjamin Appl baritone; Jonathan Ware piano
Mon 11 Jan 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Benjamin Applbaritone
  • Jonathan Warepiano


      • Seligkeit D433
      • An die Apfelbäume, wo ich Julien erblickte D197
      • An den Mond D193
      • Nähe des Geliebten D162
      • Rastlose Liebe D138
      • Wandrers Nachtlied D224
      • An den Mond D259
      • Der Musensohn D764
      • Ganymed D544
      • Meeres Stille D216
      • Erlkönig D328


      • Viola D786
      • Totengräberlied D44
      • Totengräbers Heimweh D842
      • Drang in die Ferne D770
      • Der Wanderer an den Mond D870
      • Abendstern D806
      • Der Wanderer D489
      • Nachtstück D672



Young German baritone Benjamin Appl, a current BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist, makes a welcome return to the Wigmore Hall stage.

He is joined by rising star Jonathan Ware, praised by Musical America Worldwide for ‘his clear sense of dramatic purpose, unrivaled keyboard finesse, and ability to create a vivid drama’. Their recital forms a part of Wigmore Hall’s Schubert: The Complete Songs series, which explores every one of the composer’s 600-plus Lieder over the course of two seasons.

Supported by the Patron Friends of Wigmore Hall

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