Archived Event

Egidija Medekšaitė, Leo Chadburn, Martin Arnold and more
Apartment House
Sat 27 Feb 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Apartment House



    1. Co-commissioned by Apartment House and by Wigmore Hall with the support of André Hoffmann, president of the Fondation Hoffmann, a Swiss grant-making foundation


    Wigmore Hall’s contribution to contemporarychamber music and repertoire development goesfrom strength to strength, as this unmissableprogramme richly demonstrates.

    ApartmentHouse, formed by cellist Anton Lukoszevieze in1995, became the first contemporary musicensemble to win the coveted Royal PhilharmonicSociety Award for Chamber Music and Song in2012.

    In this programme for string quartet, piano,percussion and harmonium, the ensemble givesthe first performance of Freezywater, a WigmoreHall commission by Leo Chadburn, known to manyas the ‘transgressive pop’ artist Simon Bookish.Works by Lithuanian composer Egidija Medekšaitė,Toronto-based composer and performer MartinArnold, and Dutch/Brazilian composer LuizHenrique Yudo add to the concert’s ear-catchingmix of world and UK premières.

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