Archived Event

Rosenblatt Recitals
Mariella Devia soprano; Giulio Zappa piano
Tue 14 Jun 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Mariella Deviasoprano
  • Giulio Zappapiano


  • Franz Liszt
      • Oh! quand je dors S282
      • 3 sonetti di Petrarca S270/1


      • Perduta ho la pace
      • Deh, pietoso, oh Addolorata
      • Giovanna d'Arco
      • Ah, ben s'addice... Sempre all'alba
      • Il fervido desiderio
      • Almen se non poss'io
      • Ma rendi pur contento
      • Per pietà, bell'idol mio


To conclude its 2015/16 season, Rosenblatt Recitals welcomes the great Italian soprano Mariella Devia.

Renowned as the queen of bel canto, Devia has had an illustrious career spanning over 40 years. Having undergone a transformation from 'respected to revered' (The New York Times) she brings her 'powerful, appealing voice' (BachTrack) to the Wigmore Hall stage.

‘She was greeted as a conquering heroine on Thursday, with an ovation before she had sung a note, a louder one after her first aria and a tumultuous reception at the end, spurred by her final note, a clear high D.’ (The New York Times)

Watch an introductory video to the Rosenblatt Recitals series at Wigmore Hall.

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