Archived Event

Dvorák and Schumann
Christian Gerhaher baritone; Gerold Huber piano
Wed 12 Oct 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Christian Gerhaherbaritone
  • Gerold Huberpiano



      • Drei Gesänge Op. 83
      • Resignation No. 1
      • Die Blume der Ergebung No. 2
      • Der Einsiedler No. 3
      • Kerner Lieder Op. 35



Christian Gerhaher and Gerold Huber readily access areasof imagination and insight that are off-limits to all but themost enlightened artists. Their latest Wigmore Hall recitalopens with Dvořák’s Biblical Songs, ten uplifting settingsin Czech of Psalms extracted from the Bible of Kralice, alandmark of the Protestant Reformation.

Matters spiritualalso arise in Schumann’s ‘Requiem’, the ‘old Catholicpoem’, which the composer added to his settings of sixpoems by Nikolaus Lenau.

The programme’s second halfincludes three mature Schumann Lieder and his earlysequence of a dozen songs to poems by Justinus Kerner.

Following this concert, Christian Gerhaher will bepresented with The Wigmore Medal, in recognitionof his outstanding contribution to Wigmore Hallover the past 15 years.

We are grateful to The Monument Trust for essential additional support for our expanded vocal series

Supported by the Season Patrons who have made a major contribution to the 2016/17 Wigmore Series

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