Archived Event

The Seven Ages of Man
Samling 20th Anniversary Showcase
Tue 08 Nov 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Sir Thomas Allen CBEbaritone
  • Malcolm Martineaupiano
  • Samling Artists
    • James Garnonactor


        • A Charm of Lullabies Op. 41
        • A Cradle Song
        • The Nurse's Song
        • Lieder-Album für die Jugend Op. 79
        • Marienwürmchen
        • La courte paille
        • Ba, be, bi, bo, bu
        • Les anges musiciens
        • La carafon
        • Lune d'avril
    • Franz Liszt
        • 3 sonetti di Petrarca S270/1
        • Pace non trovo (Sonnet no.104)
        • Benedetto sia'l giorno (Sonnet no.47)
    • Roger Quilter
        • 5 Shakespeare Songs (set 2) Op. 23
        • It was a lover and his lass
        • Vol. 3 British Isles
        • The Foggy, Foggy Dew
        • Tom Bowling and Other Song Arrangements
        • Soldier, won't you marry me?


    • Hugo Wolf
        • Eichendorff-Lieder
        • Der Soldat I
        • Der Soldat II
    • Liza Lehmann
        • Nonsense Songs from 'Alice in Wonderland'
        • Fury said to a Mouse
        • Trial by Jury
        • When I, Good Friends, Was Called to the Bar
        • 9 Lieder und Gesänge Op. 63
        • Heimweh II No. 8
        • Fünf Gesänge Op. 72
        • Alte Liebe No. 1
    • Aaron Copland
        • 12 poems of Emily Dickinson
        • Going to heaven!


    Since its foundation in 1996 Samling has broughttogether world-class artists with some of the finestemerging singers and pianists.

    This 20th Anniversaryconcert, performed by Samling’s Patron Sir ThomasAllen, Malcolm Martineau and a gathering of SamlingArtists from over the years, takes Shakespeare’s‘Seven Ages of Man’ as its theme and explores‘this strange eventful history’ through song.

    Dine with the Artists

    There are a limited number of tickets for best concert andmasterclass seats with a special post-concert sparklingreception and supper with the artists, priced at £125.

    Available exclusively from Samlingon 01434 602885 or by email

    Samling's 20th Anniversary Showcase is generously supported by Principal Sponsor Bond Dickinson and Associate Sponsor Brewin Dolphin.

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