Archived Event

Telemann and Bach
Philippe Jaroussky; Le Concert de la Loge; Julien Chauvin
Thu 01 Dec 2016, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Philippe Jarousskycountertenor
  • Le Concert de la Loge
    • Julien Chauvindirector, violin


        • Ouverture burlesque in B flat major TWV55:B8
        • Cantata: Die stille Nacht TWV1:364
        • St Matthew Passion TWV5:53
        • Overture from 'St. Matthew Passion'
        • Cantata: Jesus liegt in letzten Zügen TWV1:983



        • Cantata: Freue dich, erlöste Schar BWV30
        • Kommt, ihr angefochtnen Sünder


    Bach’s sublime solo cantata ‘Ich habe genug’, written in Leipzig in1727, and Telemann’s so-called Passion Cantata, Die stille Nacht,create ideal conditions for reflection on matters spiritual.

    Philippe Jaroussky’s artistry flows from his studies as a violinist andsubsequent rise to become one of the finest countertenors of ourtime. His refined feeling for melodic line and the emotions behindwords have won critical plaudits worldwide, leading The New YorkTimes, to declare that ‘There are countertenors, and then there isMr Jaroussky’.

    He is joined by Julien Chauvin’s recently foundedLe Concert de la Loge for its Wigmore Hall debut.

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