Archived Event

Vienna and its Empire: Introductory Talk and Concert
Nash Ensemble; Victoria Simmonds mezzo-soprano
Sat 11 Feb 2017, 5.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration, without an interval


Since its foundation by Amelia Freedman at the Royal Academy of Music in 1964, links between the Nash Ensemble and the Academy have gone from strength to strength. Recent projects have included the Nash’s fiftieth anniversary concert at Duke’s Hall in November 2014 and numerous successful side-by- side projects, which offer students the unique opportunity to be mentored by Nash players and to sit alongside them in concert.

This concert, the first of two at Wigmore Hall on Saturday 11 February, features the Academy’s senior students performing alongside Nash Ensemble players Ian Brown and Gareth Hulse in chamber music from the twentieth century by composers from the Second Viennese School – Webern and Schoenberg.

The event begins with an introductory talk on the Second Viennese School by Gillian Moore MBE, Director of Music, Southbank Centre, writer and broadcaster.

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