Archived Event

Winterreise: A Parallel Winter Journey
Matthew Rose bass; Gary Matthewman piano; In collaboration with ensemble; Victoria Crowe artist
Wed 15 Feb 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Matthew Rosebass
  • Gary Matthewmanpiano
  • In collaboration with
    • Victoria Croweartist



    Early audiences, in thrall to the peaceand prosperity that preceded theEuropean revolutions of 1848,rejected the melancholy worldview contained within Winterreise. Schubert’s late, great song cycle is nowrecognised as one of the most extraordinary creative achievements of the nineteenth century. Thecomposer told a friend how his collection of ‘spine-chilling songs… have affected me more than has beenthe case with any other of my Lieder’, a feeling shared by millions since the work’s publication in 1828.

    Matthew Rose has collaborated with painter Victoria Crowe on this production in which projectedimages offer a contemplative, extended response to the words and music.

    Visuals sponsored by the Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture

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