Archived Event

Szymanowski, Fauré, Françaix and Antheil
Isabelle Faust violin; Alexander Melnikov piano
Sun 19 Feb 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Isabelle Faustviolin
  • Alexander Melnikovpiano




      • Violin Sonata No. 3 in A minor WoO. 27
      • III. Intermezzo


Isabelle Faust and Alexander Melnikov havedeveloped an uncanny mutual understandingand empathy as duo partners, refined overthe past decade in the recording studio andin recital. The German violinist and Russianpianist offer interpretations that are faithfulto the letter of the score while remainingopen to inventive spontaneity and expressivefreedom.

Their latest Wigmore Hall programmemines a deep vein of poetry in music, openingwith a work written during the First World War’sinitial phase. They also explore the Sonatafor violin, piano and drums by the self-styled‘bad boy of music’, the American avant-gardistGeorge Antheil.

This concert is part of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust ticket scheme, offering free tickets to those aged 8-25

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