Archived Event

Thomas Adès Day: 'Arcadiana'
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group; Timothy Redmond; Calder Quartet; Thomas Adès; Nicolas Hodges
Sat 25 Mar 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


György Kurtág’s Officium breve, written in 1989 inmemory of fellow composer Endre Szervánszky, passesfrom one complex state of being to another within thespace of fifteen short movements for string quartet.Concision and complexity are also central to Adès’sConcerto Conciso, inspired in part by the form of amedieval French round dance.

The programme alsofeatures Adès’s Arcadiana, a work for string quartetconsisting of seven movements that evokes variousvanished or vanishing idylls.

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