Archived Event

Ian Bostridge tenor; Graham Johnson piano
Sun 09 Jul 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Ian Bostridgetenor
  • Graham Johnsonpiano


      • Der Geistertanz D116
      • Als ich sie erröten sah D153
      • Die Mainacht D194
      • Seufzer D198
      • Die Fröhlichkeit D262
      • Der Jüngling an der Quelle D300
      • An mein Klavier D342
      • Am Tage aller Seelen D343
      • Pflügerlied D392
      • Die Knabenzeit D400
      • Winterlied D401
      • Stimme der Liebe D412


      • Abendbilder D650
      • Hymne I D659
      • Hymne II D660
      • Hymne III D661
      • Hymne IV D662
      • Nachthymne D687
      • Schwestergruss D762
      • Drang in die Ferne D770
      • Der zürnende Barde D785
      • Das Geheimnis D793
      • Auf dem Wasser zu singen D774


Schubert’s creative quest drew energy andinspiration from poetry’s potential to unlock freshways of being.

Ian Bostridge and Graham Johnsonbegin by exploring the diverse styles present inthe young composer’s songs of 1815–16 beforefathoming his striking experiments with the spiritualpoetry of Novalis’s Hymnen and closing with fivesublime masterworks from the early 1820s.

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