Archived Event

Bach, Arnstadt
Vox Luminis; Jussi Lehtipuu bass
Tue 19 Sep 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Vox Luminis
    • Jussi Lehtipuubass




    Vox Luminis turns to sacred works by Johann Sebastian Bach and hiscontemporaries, including his first cousin Johann Christoph Bach as well asDietrich Buxtehude. Young JS Bach famously walked the 250 miles fromArnstadt to Lübeck to hear Buxtehude at work and ‘in order to comprehendone thing and another about his art’.

    Lionel Meunier and his Belgium-basedensemble include JC Bach’s Die Furcht des Herren, written tocelebrate the election of a new town council at Eisenach, and his exquisitesetting of words from Psalm 25, Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnädig,together with JS Bach’s dramatic early cantata Christ lag in Todesbanden.

    With grateful thanks to the Early Music and Baroque Circle

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