Archived Event

A Night in Berlin
Max Raabe singer; Christoph Israel piano
Fri 27 Oct 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Max Raabesinger
  • Christoph Israelpiano


The forces of creativity anddestruction raged during theshort-lived Weimar Republic.

Max Raabe, founder of the PalastOrchester, makes a welcomereturn to Wigmore Hall to bringthe biting satire of Berlin’s cabaretscene back to life. The Germansinger mines the Weimar legacy of‘Gassenhauer’ or ‘alley hits’, tunespicked up instantly and sung in thestreets.

He and Christoph Israelalso revive movie melodies suchas Marlene Dietrich’s ‘Ich bin vonKopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt’,best known as ‘Falling in loveagain’, and tragi-comic numbersfrom the turbulent early 1930s.

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