Archived Event

Istanbul; Dimitrie Cantemir: The Book of the Science of Music
Jordi Savall viola da gamba; Hespèrion XXI
Sun 29 Oct 2017, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Jordi Savallviola da gamba
  • Hespèrion XXI


        • Uzzäl usules Darb-i feth No. 209
        • Uzzäl usules Darb-i feth No. 209
        • La rosa enflorece - Maciço de rosas
        • Alagyeaz tsar
        • Khnki tsar
        • Hisar Agir Semai
        • Ta xyla
        • Çeçen kizi
        • Ene Sarére
        • Uzzäl Sakîl ‘Turna’ Semâ’î No. 324
        • Uzzäl Sakîl ‘Turna’ Semâ’î No. 324
        • Räst ‘Murass’a’ usules Düyek No. 214
        • Räst ‘Murass’a’ usules Düyek No. 214
        • Hermoza muchachica
        • O’h intsh anush
        • Koniali
        • Una pastora



    Hespérion XXI and its Spanish-Catalan founder Jordi Savallcontinue to remove barriers between musical traditions and evokepast creative collaborations.

    Their latest Wigmore Hall programmearises from venerable Turkish, Armenian and Sephardic workspreserved in The Book of the Science of Music by Dimitrie Cantemir(1673–1723), a polyglot Moldavian soldier who became a virtuosoon the tanbur, the long-necked lute favoured at the Ottomancourt in Istanbul. The multi-national ensemble’s concert includeshaunting laments and pulsating dance songs.

    With the support of the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona and the Institut Ramon Llull

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