Archived Event

Britten, Brahms and Schubert
Christian Gerhaher baritone; James Cheung piano
Thu 23 Nov 2017, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Christian Gerhaherbaritone
  • James Cheungpiano


      • Songs and Proverbs of William Blake Op. 74
      • Proverbs 1-7 from Songs and Proverbs of William Blake Op. 74
      • Vier Lieder Op. 96
      • No. 2 Wir wandelten
      • No. 4 Meerfahrt
      • Fünf Gesänge Op. 72
      • Verzagen No. 4
      • Sechs Lieder Op. 86
      • Über die Heide No. 4
      • Vier Lieder Op. 96
      • No. 1 Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht
      • Sechs Lieder Op. 86
      • Todessehnen No. 6
      • Schwanengesang D957
      • Der Atlas
      • Ihr Bild
      • Das Fischermädchen
      • Die Stadt
      • Am Meer
      • Der Doppelgänger



Christian Gerhaher prefacesSchubert’s six revelatory settingsof poems by Heinrich Heine fromSchwanengesang with a selectionof songs that show the sensitivity,spiritual insight and refinementof Brahms’s writing for solovoice and piano. His unmissablelunchtime programme includes thepotent imagery and allusions of‘Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht’and cruel irony and hauntingconclusion of ‘Meerfahrt’.

Brittencreated his Songs and Proverbsof William Blake for DietrichFischer-Dieskau, with whomGerhaher studied in masterclasssessions. In turn James Cheungchose to concentrate on songaccompaniment after attendinga masterclass given by ChristianGerhaher at Snape Maltings.

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