Archived Event

Avex Recital Series 2018
Dai Fujikura Portrait
Sat 17 Feb 2018, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Mei Yi Foopiano
  • HONJOH Hidejiroshamisen
  • Yu Kosugepiano
  • Rie Koyamabassoon
  • Masanori Oishisaxophone
  • Enno Senftdouble bass
  • Philippe Tondreoboe
  • Teunis van der Zwarthorn
  • Bartosz Worochviolin
  • Makoto Yoshidaclarinet


      • Rubi(co)n for clarinet
      • SekSek for solo piano
      • Ayatori for solo piano
      • Es for solo double bass
      • Milliampere for solo toy piano
      • Deepened Arc for solo piano
      • Frozen Heat for solo piano
      • neo
        (UK première)


      • Sakana for solo saxophone
      • Waves for solo piano
        (world première)
      • Bis for solo double bass
      • Breathless for toy piano and violin
      • Samarasa for solo violin
      • Go for oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano
        (UK première)


Avex presents a special Dai Fujikura Portrait concert with musicians from around the world, featuring works for shamisen (traditional Japanese instrument), toy piano, violin, saxophone, and a quintet of oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano. An evening full of beautiful sound colours and contrasting sonority, it will also feature several UK premières.

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