Archived Event

In Focus: Mark-Anthony Turnage
RNCM New Ensemble
Sat 05 May 2018, 2.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • RNCM New Ensemble



    The Royal Northern College of Music and Wigmore Hall present a day ofmusic to celebrate the work of composer Mark-Anthony Turnage, one of thebest known and most prolific British composers.

    Turnage has a distinctivemusical personality, with aggressive and energetic qualities contrasted withlyricism and tenderness, projected across his large catalogue of orchestral,chamber, choral and vocal works, as well as two large-scale operas. Heis known for combining jazz, popular and classical elements in his music,often appealing to young audiences.

    This study day features chamber musicand orchestral works performed by students from the RNCM.

    In Partnership with the Royal Northern College of Music

    Part of