Archived Event

Afternoon Session
YCAT Public Finals 2018
Thu 24 May 2018, 3.00pm


Young Classical Artists Trust:the destination point foremerging talent

YCAT Artists are selected through arigorous annual auditions process. Inthis third and final round, outstandingyoung soloists and chamberensembles, selected from over100 applicants in the preliminaryrounds, audition before a panel ofdistinguished judges. Join YCAT incelebrating the very best emergingtalent in the UK at this unique event.

Previous artists include IanBostridge, Alison Balsom, JoannaMacGregor and the Heath, Doricand Belcea Quartets.

YCAT is grateful for support from the Rachel Baker Memorial Charity and the International Music and Art Foundation for this series.

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