Archived Event

The Erlkings folk ensemble
Fri 25 May 2018, 10.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • The Erlkingsfolk ensemble


      • Der Musensohn D764
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Auf dem Wasser zu singen D774
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Die Forelle D550
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Der Jüngling am Bache D192
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Erlkönig D328
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Der König in Thule D367
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Drang in die Ferne D770
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Der Wanderer an den Mond D870
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Totengräbers Heimweh D842
        (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Die schöne Müllerin D795
      • Halt! (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Mein! (arranged by The Erlkings)
      • Fischerweise D881
        (arranged by The Erlkings)



Billed as ‘the only band that sets its audience dancing to Goethe and Schiller’, the genre-defying Erlkings perform high-octane energy of folk/rock to brilliant arrangements Schubert's finest songs, cleverly adapted for the modern English speaking audience.

The group’s Wigmore Hall debut offers a scintillating set of Erlking hits.

The Wigmore Hall Bar will be open after the concert for more late night Jazz and drinks. Free with your ticket, Jazz pianist Wilbur Whitta will be performing from 11:00PM.

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