- Kerry Andrewcomposer
- Laura Dockrillwriter
- Sarah Daceysoprano
- Beth Higham-Edwardspercussion
- Laura Moodycello
- Morag Gallowaydirector
- Piers Hamptonactor
Archived Event
In an exhilarating flight of fantasy and magic written by Laura Dockrill with music composed by Kerry Andrew, this cautionary tale explores all the curiously obscure, brilliant and bizarre dreams, thoughts, ideas and fears inside a brain and how one little boy takes those wonderful things for granted. Butterfly Brain is a wild explosion of colour, sound, and the imagination.
This performance is suitable for children aged 7 and over. Read the note from writer Laura Dockrill below about the age range for the concert.
A note about the content from writer Laura Dockrill:
'I myself am a scaredy cat, so the below is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of… Although ‘Butterfly Brain’ is a story written for young people please note it is rather gory and scary in places and also a little sad.
If you or your young people are sensitive to gore and general grossness then please feel free to relax in the lobby away from the content with a pair of fluffy ear muffs* and talk to the person at box office about the universe, your hopes and dreams or cool stuff on TV. Or pop downstairs for a soothing hot chocolate where you can settle your faint heart whilst the show takes place.'
*please note fluffy ear muffs, regrettably, not supplied
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Fantastic for Families