Archived Event

Tchaikovsky, Medtner and Rachmaninov
Justina Gringytė mezzo-soprano; Dmytro Popov tenor; Iain Burnside piano
Thu 29 Nov 2018, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Justina Gringytėmezzo-soprano
  • Dmytro Popovtenor
  • Iain Burnsidepiano


      • I should like in a single word
      • The fires in the room were already out Op. 63 No. 5
      • We sat together Op. 73 No. 1
      • The Sun has set Op. 73 No. 4
      • If only I had known Op. 47 No. 1
      • Frenzied nights Op. 60 No. 6
      • Was I not a little blade of grass? Op. 47 No. 7
      • Again, as before, alone Op. 73 No. 6
      • Why? Op. 6 No. 5
      • 7 Poems Op. 28
      • No. 2 Whenever I hear birdsong
      • 4 Poems Op. 45
      • No. 4 Our Time
      • 5 Poems after Tyutchev and Fet Op. 37
      • No. 1 Sleeplessness


      • 6 Songs Op. 4
      • Sing not to me, beautiful maiden No. 4
      • 12 Songs Op. 14
      • Oh, do not grieve No. 8
      • 12 Songs Op. 21
      • Fragment from Musset No. 6
      • 6 Songs Op. 8
      • The Dream No. 5
      • 12 Songs Op. 21
      • Before the icon No. 10
      • 12 Songs Op. 14
      • Believe me not, friend No. 7
      • 15 Songs Op. 26
      • Christ is risen No. 6
      • To the children No. 7
      • The ring No. 14
      • Again I am alone No. 9
      • There are many sounds No. 1
      • 12 Songs Op. 14
      • Spring waters No. 11


A programme that explores thelate-Romantic tradition of thelyrical Russian romance throughthree central figures: Tchaikovsky,his follower Rachmaninov, andtheir compatriot and the latter’sfriend Nikolai Medtner, who spenthis last 15 years in exile in London.

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