Archived Event

Introduction to Music: Schubert
Thu 14 Feb 2019, 4.45pm
  • Thursday 14 February 4:45pm – 6:00pm
  • Thursday 21 February 4:45pm – 6:00pm
  • Thursday 28 February 4:45pm – 6:00pm
  • Thursday 7 March 4:45pm – 6:00pm
  • Availability


    Composers are often defined by agenre that seems to most suit theirmusical character; with Mozart itis opera, Beethoven the symphony,and with Franz Schubert it is song.Schubert was not the first Liedercomposer but he arguably madethe greatest contribution, andin doing so became a trailblazerfor Romanticism.

    Join Roy Stratford as we exploreSchubert's experimentationwith new and daring harmoniesand development of radical andunconventional musical structures.We also explore how Schubert’smusic exemplifies Romantic ideas,perhaps the most compelling ofwhich is the idea of the wanderer; inAlfred Brendel’s words, ‘in his largerforms, Schubert is a wanderer.He likes to move at the edge of theprecipice, and does so with theassurance of a sleepwalker.'

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