Archived Event

Anna Dennis soprano (as Aci); Anna Huntley mezzo-soprano (as Galatea); Edward Grint bass-baritone (as Polifemo); London Handel Orchestra; Adrian Butterfield conductor
Wed 03 Apr 2019, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Anna Dennissoprano (as Aci)
  • Anna Huntleymezzo-soprano (as Galatea)
  • Edward Grintbass-baritone (as Polifemo)
  • London Handel Orchestra
    • Adrian Butterfieldconductor



    Having staged Handel’s English versionof the Acis and Galatea story in 2018, theLondon Handel Orchestra now presents hisearlier Italian version, Aci, Galatea e Polifemo,which he wrote in Naples in June 1708 as acelebratory cantata for a wedding. This workis completely different from the 1718 versionfor the Duke of Chandos and is notable forthe variety of Handel’s invention as wellas its colourful scoring. All three roles aredemanding, but the range required of thebass who sings the part of Polifemo is trulyremarkable, covering two and a half octaves!

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