- Pekka Kuusistoviolin
- Dr. Erik Scherderneuropsychologist
- Jukka Huitilavisual designer
Archived Event
Pekka Kuusisto and Professor Scherder demonstrate the strengthand beauty of music when experienced by different human brains;a developing versus an adult brain, a vulnerable brain affected bydiseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, and the brain of apatient experiencing pain.
They also explore what, if anything, happens in the brain of aprofessional violinist and the brain of a musical improviser, look at thepossible differences between musical and non-musical brains andexplore the involvement of important neural systems when singing.
This event promises to be an exciting and insightful evening!
Due to essential maintenance the Wigmore Hall Restaurant will be closed on the day of this event. Hot and cold drinks will still be available to purchase prior to concert and during the interval, but no food will be served.
Any questions please phone the Box Office on 020 7935 2141.
Supported by the Season Patrons who have made a major contribution to the 2018/19 Wigmore Series
Classic FM