Archived Event

Introduction to Music: Second Viennese School
Thu 06 Jun 2019, 4.45pm
Thursday 6 June 4.45pm – 6.00pmThursday 13 June 4.45pm – 6.00pmThursday 20 June 4.45pm – 6.00pmThursday 27 June 4.45pm – 6.00pm


The transformation of the language ofmusic from tonality to atonality is onethe most fascinating and shockingmanifestations of the modernistmovement. The common chords(triads) that had formed the basis ofWestern music since the beginning ofthe 17th century no longer held swayand a new and strange soundworldemerged. The father figure of thismusical maelstrom was ArnoldSchoenberg, who, along with hispupils Anton Webern and AlbanBerg, represents what is known asthe Second Viennese School anda musical style which many musiclovers find rather baffling.

This course led by Roy Stratfordseeks to explain the circumstances ofthe rise of this new style, to explorethe huge differences between thethree musicians, and most of all toexpose some of the music whichis both hugely approachable andemotionally rewarding.

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