Archived Event

Django Bates' Belovèd jazz trio; Evan Parker saxophone
Sun 14 Jul 2019, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour 40 minutes in duration, without an interval


  • Django Bates' Belovèdjazz trio
  • Evan Parkersaxophone


A double celebration: EvanParker’s 75th birthday anda look ahead to next year’s100th anniversary of CharlieParker’s birth. Two revolutionarysaxophonists meet under themusical microscope of DjangoBates’ Belovèd, his piano trio withPetter Eldh on bass and PeterBruun at the drums. Followingtheir much-praised 2018 visit toWigmore Hall, Belovèd return topresent Django’s highly detailedarrangements of Charlie Parkercompositions with interludes frommaster improviser Evan Parker.

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