Archived Event

Mental & Physical Strategies for singers & musicians
Maximising Performance & Wellbeing
Tue 10 Sep 2019, 6.30pm
6.30pm – 9.30pm


Independent Opera, the Royal College of Music andWigmore Hall join forces to host a special event thatexplores the vital topic of singers’ wellbeing, withexperts who will offer guidance and support onperformance psychology, taking care of your voice,and managing an unconventional career.

Maximising Performance & Wellbeing
Dr Terry Clark (Research Fellow in Performance Science, Royal College of Music / Centre for Performance Science)

The opening session will explore the subject of attaining and sustaining optimal performance and wellbeing by looking at internal and external factors that develop and support long-term resilience. This will also include discussion of the theory and application of key mental skills including imagery, goal-setting, and self-talk to enhance practice and performance.

Session 2: Vocal Health
Dr Declan Costello (ENT Consultant)

Voice specialist and singer Declan will offer guidance on taking care of your voice; exploring physical and environmental strategies to maintain vocal health; how to identify a problem and guidance on steps to take if facing illness or injury.

Session 3: Managing an Unconventional Career
Thomas Quasthoff and Ailish Tynan

Exploring the topic of performance mastery and wellbeing in a career that spans both concert and opera performance. Thomas Quasthoff and Ailish Tynan will share their own experience of working at the highest level across the two disciplines.

To close, Thomas and Ailish will be joined by Terry Clark and Declan Costello for an open Q&A chaired by Natalie Murray Beale.

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