Archived Event

CPE Bach, Falla, Laurence Osborn and Strauss
Britten Sinfonia; Mahan Esfahani harpsichord
Wed 02 Oct 2019, 1.00pm
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Britten Sinfonia
    • Mahan Esfahaniharpsichord



    Celebrated harpsichordist andregular collaborator with BrittenSinfonia, Mahan Esfahani joinsprincipal players in the first concertof Britten Sinfonia’s annual AtLunch series. The centrepiece ofthe concert is Manuel de Falla’sseminal but rarely heard Concertofor Harpsichord accompanied byflute, oboe, violin, cello and clarinet;and the performance also featuresa scoring of Richard Strauss’ssuite from Capriccio for violin, celloand harpsichord. A new work byLaurence Osborn for the sameinstrumentation as the Falla willalso receive its London première.

    Join us for a 45 minute pre-concert talk at 12:15PM, featuring Laurence Osborn discussing his new work with Dr Kate Kennedy. Book your free ticket here.

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