Archived Event

Castalian String Quartet; Isabel Charisius viola; Ursula Smith cello
Sun 20 Oct 2019, 11.30am
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Castalian String Quartet
    • Isabel Charisiusviola
    • Ursula Smithcello


        • String Quintet in G Op. 111
        • Sextet No. 1 in B flat major Op. 18


    Formed in 2011, the ensemblehas risen steadily to a position ofprominence on the internationalscene, its awards including the2016 RPS Albert and Eugenie FrostPrize and its Wigmore debut takingplace on Easter Sunday of thefollowing year; this programme seesit add two additional playersto its regular complement.

    Coffee for the Sunday Morning Concert Series is generously provided by Café de Colombia

    All concerts featuring the Castalian String Quartet in the 2019/20 Brahms Series are supported by a contribution from Sir Siegmund Warburg's Voluntary Settlement

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