Archived Event

Rachel Podger violin
Sun 24 Nov 2019, 11.30am
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


  • Rachel Podgerviolin


      • Sonata No. 1 in G minor for solo violin BWV1001
      • Partita No. 1 in B minor for solo violin BWV1002


These two works date from theperiod of Bach’s life spent inCöthen, in the employ of the courtof Prince Leopold. The sonataranges from the stately solemnityof the opening Adagio through avigorous Fugue and a gracefulSiciliana to a moto-perpetuo-likefinale. In the freer form ofthe Partita, each of the mainmovements – Allemanda, Correnta,Sarabande, and Tempo di Borea (orBourrée) – is followed by a Double(or variation).

Live Stream

Wigmore Hall Podcasts
Baroque violinist and orchestral director, Rachel Podger introduces her ensemble ‘Brecon Baroque’ and discusses her passion for Baroque music with BBC Radio 3 presenter, Sara Mohr-Pietsch.

Coffee for the Sunday Morning Concert Series is generously provided by Café de Colombia

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