Archived Event

Facce d’amore
Jakub Józef Orliński countertenor; Il Pomo d'Oro
Sat 14 Dec 2019, 7.30pm
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


  • Jakub Józef Orlińskicountertenor
  • il Pomo d'Oro


        • La Calisto
        • Sinfonia
        • Erme e solinghe ... Lucidissima face
        • Eliogabalo
        • Chi scherza con Amor
        • Claudio Cesare
        • Sinfonia
        • Crudo amor non hai pietà
        • La costanza non gradita nel doppio amore d'Aminta
        • Infelice mia costanza
        • La nemica d'Amore fatta amante
        • Sinfonia


        • Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena
        • Ballo dei Bagatellieri


    • Nicola Fago
        • Il Faraone Sommerso
        • Alla gente a Dio diletta


    The young Polish countertenor has risenspeedily to stardom: earlier this year hemade his Glyndebourne debut as Eustazio inHandel’s Rinaldo and recently released hisdebut album Anima Sacra with the period-instrumentensemble that accompanies himin this programme.

    ‘Facce d’amore’ is the musical pictureof a male lover in the 18th century. Theprogramme focusses on different aspectsof love, ranging from joy to madness, angerand even craziness. Starting from works byCavalli, Boretti, going through Bononcini,Conti, Handel, Predieri and finishing ona virtuosic love aria, sung by Orfeo andcomposed for the famous castrato Farinelliby Hasse, the repertoire represents ajourney through the Baroque era.

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