Archived Event

Introduction to Music: Brahms
Thu 09 Jan 2020, 4.45pm
Thursday 9 JanuaryThursday 16 JanuaryThursday 23 JanuaryThursday 30 January

All dates 4.45pm – 6.00pm



In many ways, Johannes Brahms stands outside the mainstream of the Romantic movement. His interest lay far more in abstract music, sonatas, symphonies, variations and concertos rather than opera or programme music, although he did of course compose a great number of wonderful Lieder. His music is a fascinating combination of traditional forms and powerful, romantic harmony; the often profound emotional effect that his music exerts perhaps arises from the tension between these two forces. We will look at the huge range of his output with particular emphasis on his extraordinary contribution to chamber music.

Course lead by Roy Stratford.

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