Archived Event

Schöne Fremde
Dominik Köninger baritone; Daniel Heide piano
Sun 24 Apr 2022, 3.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Dominik Köningerbaritone
  • Daniel Heidepiano


      • Schneeglöckchen Op. 9 No. 1
      • Nachtwanderer Op. 9 No. 2
      • Sommer Op. 9 No. 6
      • Liebesbriefchen Op. 9 No. 4
      • Das Heldengrab am Pruth Op. 9 No. 5
      • Ständchen Op. 9 No. 3



Winner of the first prize at the 2011 Wigmore Hall Song Competition, on that occasion the German baritone also received the Wigmore Hall / Independent Opera Postgraduate Voice Fellowship for the following two years. As an ensemble member of the Komische Oper in Berlin, he has become increasingly prominent both on Europe’s operatic stages and in its concert and recital halls. The title of a poem by Joseph von Eichendorff – Beautiful Foreign Land – emblemises his programme.

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