Archived Event

Monteverdi Madrigals
La Nuova Musica; Julia Doyle soprano; Eleanor Minney mezzo-soprano; Helen Charlston mezzo-soprano; Joseph Wicks high-tenor; Guy Cutting tenor; Benjamin Durrant tenor; William Gaunt bass
Wed 08 Jun 2022, 7.30pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval

Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • La Nuova Musica
    • Julia Doylesoprano
    • Eleanor Minneymezzo-soprano
    • Helen Charlstonmezzo-soprano
    • Joseph Wickshigh-tenor
    • Guy Cuttingtenor
    • Benjamin Durranttenor
    • William Gauntbass


        • Hor che’l ciel e la terra e’l vento tace
        • Con che soavità, labbra odorate
        • Zefiro torna e’l bel tempo rimena
        • Cruda Amarilli
        • Sfogava con le stelle
        • 'Rimanti in pace' a la dolente e bella
        • Dolcissimi legami
        • Filli cara et amata


        • Poi che del mio dolore
        • Crudel, perché mi fuggi
        • Perfidissimo volto
        • Quell’augellin che canta
        • E cosí a poco a poco
        • Sestina: Lagrime d’amante al sepolcro dell’amata
        • Tempro la cetra, e per cantar gli onori
        • Altri canti d’Amor, tenero arciero



    Monteverdi wrote his madrigals throughout a long and illustrious life - ranging from the brevity and harmonic delicacy of the first book for five solo voices and no continuo, all the way through to the magnificence of Book 8 - complete with obbligato violins and a plethora of continuo instruments. The uniting themes of love, loss and desire are vividly brought to life through Monteverdi's pen and often exquisite texts. Despite them being written over 400 years ago, they speak with immediacy and eternal truth to 21st-century ears.

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