Archived Event

G Mahler, Schubert and Strauss
Catriona Morison mezzo-soprano; Julius Drake piano
Sat 30 Jul 2022, 4.00pm
Archived Event
This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval

Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Catriona Morisonmezzo-soprano
  • Julius Drakepiano


      • Die junge Nonne D828
      • An den Mond D193
      • Nacht und Träume D827
      • Rastlose Liebe D138
      • Frühlingsglaube D686
      • Gretchen am Spinnrade D118
      • Madrigal Op. 15 No. 1
      • Winternacht Op. 15 No. 2
      • Lob des Leidens Op. 15 No. 3
      • Aus den Liedern der Trauer Op. 15 No. 4
      • Heimkehr Op. 15 No. 5



The Scottish mezzo and her experienced pianist place Mahler in the context of one of the earliest masters of Lieder and one of his own greatest contemporaries. With the exception of the first of the Op. 15 group (whose text is by Michelangelo), Strauss’s 1884-6 collection set texts by the poet and art collector Adolf von Schack.

Follow this link for details of all the Oxford Lieder Mahler Day concerts.

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