
Kitty Whately
Image credit: © Sara Porter

Archived Event

The House of Life
Kitty Whately mezzo-soprano; William Vann piano
Sun 23 Oct 2022, 3.00pm
Archived Event

This concert will be approximately 1 hour in duration, without an interval


Important Information

Download the PDF programme and song sheet/translations here. Reproduction and distribution is strictly prohibited.


  • Kitty Whatelymezzo-soprano
  • William Vannpiano


      • The Willow Song
        (arranged by Ralph Vaughan Williams)
      • Ophelia’s Song
      • 4 Shakespeare Songs
      • Come away, death
      • King Stephen



Following her successes in the Kathleen Ferrier Awards and the Royal Over-Seas League Competition, the British mezzo has won ever greater prominence on the operatic stage and concert platform. Her programme draws attention to Vaughan Williams’s pupils and also includes his own major cycle (1903) setting poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

In Memory of Ray and Marlen Hall
We are very grateful to those members of our audience who have chosen to support Wigmore Hall with a gift in your Will. All gifts matter. Please contact us if this is something you would like to do, we would love to hear from you.mhosterweil@wigmore-hall.org.uk

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