
Florian Boesch
Image credit: © Clemens Fabry

Archived Event

Brahms, R Schumann and Schoeck
Florian Boesch baritone; Malcolm Martineau piano
Thu 29 Feb 2024, 7.30pm
Archived Event

This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval


Important Information

This concert will be live streamed on this page in HD. The video will be available on demand for 90 days after the date of the broadcast.


  • Florian Boeschbaritone
  • Malcolm Martineaupiano


      • Mit vierzig Jahren ist der Berg ersteigen Op. 94 No. 1
      • Sonntag Op. 47 No. 3
      • Es schauen die Blumen Op. 96 No. 3
      • Blinde Kuh Op. 58 No. 1
      • Sehnsucht Op. 14 No. 8
      • Dein blaues Auge hält so still Op. 59 No. 8
      • Kein Haus, keine Heimat Op. 94 No. 5
      • Die Trauernde Op. 7 No. 5
      • Schwermut Op. 58 No. 5
      • Es steht ein Lind WoO. 33 No. 41
      • Heimweh II Op. 63 No. 8
      • Die Einsame Op. 10 No. 2
      • Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? Op. 4 No. 2
      • Seh' ich den Pilgrim Op. 19b No. 7d
      • Bei der Kirche Op. 7 No. 1
      • Winternacht Op. 30 No. 3
      • Ravenna Op. 24b No. 9
      • Das bescheidene Wünschlein Op. 24a No. 7



      • Lieder und Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister Op. 98a
      • An die Türen will ich schleichen
      • Nachtlied Op. 96 No. 1


One of the world’s finest Lieder singers brings a programme that includes Schumann’s beloved Eichendorff cycle and songs by the Swiss Othmar Schoeck, a prolific Lieder composer (some 300 examples in all) widely admired in his lifetime and currently being revaluated.

In Memory of Eileen Miller
We are very grateful to all those in our audience who have chosen to make provision for Wigmore Hall in their Will. Their gifts, when realised, make a meaningful difference from which generations of artists and audiences will benefit. Thank you.

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