Important Information
This concert is a repeat of Wednesday 18 December, 7.30pm.
Slight Change of Programme and Artists
Please note that the programme of this concert has changed slightly and will now be as below.
Please note that the line up for Hespèrion XXI will now be as follows:
Jordi Savall director, treble viol
Hespèrion XXI
Christophe Coin treble viol, bass viol
Lixsania Fernández tenor viol
Philippe Pierlot bass viol
David Mayoral percussion
Anna Lachegyi tenor viol
Filipa Meneses bass viol
Xavier Díaz-Latorre guitar
- Jordi Savalldirector, treble viol
- Hespèrion XXI
- Christophe Cointreble viol, bass viol
- Lixsania Fernándeztenor viol
- Filipa Menesesviol
- Philippe Pierlotbass viol
- Anna Lachegyitenor viol
- Xavier Díaz-Latorreguitar
- David Mayoralpercussion