Important Information
This concert will be live streamed on this page in HD. The video will be available on demand for 30 days after the date of the broadcast.
This performance will be British Sign Language-interpreted.
If you require seats with good visibility of the signer, please sign up to our Access List by filling out an Access List Application form.
The form and more information can be found here. For any assistance or questions about booking, please email our Box Office at, quoting BSL Seating in the subject line. Or you can call our Box Office on 020 7935 2141 - view opening hours
Wigmore Hall is equipped with a loop to help hearing aid users receive clear sound without background noise. Patrons can use this facility by switching their hearing aids to T. A loop is also installed at the Box Office window.
- Aga Serugo-Lugopresenter
- Ensemble 360
- Juliette Bausorflute
- Robert Planeclarinet
- Adrian Wilsonoboe
- Emily Hultmarkbassoon
- Naomi Athertonhorn
- Paul WhittakerBSL interpreter